American Political and Social History I
AHIS 100
Survey of American history from early times to the Civil War, emphasizing the development of political, constitutional, economic, social, and cultural institutions.
American Political and Social History II
AHIS 101
A survey of American history from the Civil War to the present emphasizes the development of political, constitutional, economic, social, and cultural institutions.
English Literature
AENG 121
Introduction to reading literature, emphasizing critical thinking skills and reading strategies through studying various genres, themes, historical periods, and national literatures. Recommended for first and second-year non-English majors.
ABIO 117
The biological roles of energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals; digestion, absorption, and storage of nutrients; the chemical nature of foods; assessment of nutritional status; interactions of nutrients and disease; food supplementation and community nutrition.
Intro to Public Health
HSPH 201
A general introduction to public health, its importance for everybody’s health, and how it functions as a combination of science and politics. The role of the public health system will be illustrated by describing issues confronting New York State and what is being done about them.
General Biological Studies
ABIO 102
Introduction to the major concepts in biology and a survey of the common structures of organisms, including humans, and their functions at the molecular, cellular, organismal and population levels. Emphasis placed on principles of ecology, inheritance, evolution and physiology relevant to human society.
The Past as Present: The World Since 1900
AHIS 158
This course surveys global history in the modern era, tracing political, economic, social, and cultural developments that have shaped the world we live in today. Students will become familiar with people, events, and ideas in societies across an increasingly interconnected globe, understanding the present and future challenges as products of human choice and action in the recent past. Only one version may be taken for credit.
Introduction to Psychology
APSY 101
The basic methods and points of view in the scientific study of human behavior. Topics include biological bases of behavior, personality organization, intelligence, motivation, emotions, learning, and social relations. For psychology majors completing their major requirements as outlined in this bulletin or subsequent editions, A PSY 101 is restricted to A-E grading after matriculation. A PSY 101 must be completed with a C- or better for the major in Psychology.